Let me start off by saying that I am the kind of person that will lose interest in things that everyone is raving about too much and too hard. One of the reasons I didn't like Minecraft or Diablo, I just got sick of them after awhile, no matter how truly GOOD the game is. I feel like people get fangirly over games and shows just as Bieber's fans are; It get's really annoying. It's such an ignorant thing to do I know, but I'm sorry, I don't like it. I will in spite dislike it. Which leads me to another point. I know next to nothing about the Pokémon game or about Pokemons in general after 2003-5 maybe. All the Pokémon I truly know and that were in the show THEN were like, Pikachu of course, Charmander, Charizard,Squirtle, Clefairy, JigglyPuff and many more but from the 700 there are now, I know less than 100 truly. I used to love and watch the show when I was little and I remember very few things about it. I only know Ash and maybe a few characters. But ...