
Showing posts from June 21, 2014

Being cute is the goal

I know something about myself that not many people realize, even after years of knowing me... I may be a hopeless romantic and I may love love and I may, maybe, imagine a snapshot of a what-if-we-were-together- wedding every time I see a handsome man on Tv or something but, I can't say I truly fall in love easy. One of the things, next to having to be able to make me laugh, someone needs to BE in order for me to feel sparks... is be cute. ^_^ ...I'll explain. A man can be hot, handsome, gorgeous, but that doesn't bring up much importance to me as when I find someone cute and adorable. Of course, attitude and character are 100% important but if you've already got cute covered, it's easier for me to get to know a guy. There has to be something in the guy, character or appearance wise that makes me go, "Awww that's so cuuuute!" at least once... Whether he talks cute or is clumsy and stumbles upon rocks, or starts talking fast when he's nervous