
Showing posts from September 9, 2013

What's been happening?

Here you go all that's been happening and why I am so absent on my twitter, blog in case you cared and wanted to know. It all started from my dad giving me shit about making me use Internet so late at night and I can't say I at ALL regret it now, it was so worth it! BUT, then home construction began. That is, first we wanted to take some HUGE closet or something out of dad's room and that took awhile. From that the walls, then an idea for the bathroom, then re-painting, then the floors and finally, my room. In the mean time, I have been talking to my Hui a lot and to my Mikii! :3 If you don't know who I mean, where have you been?! XD I feel awful for the way I treated Mikii though... I treated him like a door mat the past month and a half and I have no excuse whatsoever. Saying I was just happy and didn't pay attention would be the grossest thing I could say, plus I'd lie. I was just a selfish bitch and didn't see anyone but myself until I felt the same