
Showing posts from May 17, 2013

You remind me of all the best things in life.

You remind me of all the best things in life Created by dreamer18 and taken 72 times on Bzoink Are you in looooove?: I aaaam :3 What's your reason to smile?: Lots :3 What letter does your crush's name begin with?: M! :3 Tell me a random fact about yourself.: I love necklaces :3 What would you say is your favorite genre of music?: Rock :3 How many lights are on right now?: 4 xD What's your favorite number? Why?: 17! It's a day my life got better. :3 You can only listen to 1 album for the rest of your life what do you pick?: Album? I have no idea :c What kind of accent do you have? : Serbian one? o.o Can you speak any languages other than English?: Little bit of Spanish, almost nothing of German. xD Are you part of any fandoms?: No! o.o Do you have any friends that give you a headache?: Yes -.- What's 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself?: my over-thinkin side. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?: "What you do is what yo