
Showing posts from January 18, 2014

I don't wanna die

I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die so you're gonna have to. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. No, I don't wanna die so you're gonna have to.  Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder. I told you once I'm the only one who holds her. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die so you're gonna have to. I look inside of myself  and try to find someone else.  Someone who's willing to die as to watch you crying for help. I know that blood will be spilled and if you won't, then I will. My grave will never be filled. It's either kill or be killed.  So let heaven be told that some may come, some may go. Where I'll end up I don't know but I ain't dying alone. I keep on asking the question can I be saved by confession. You see this blood on my hands , at least they're still reachin' to heaven. I got to pick up the pieces, I got

Day 18; A confession/secret of yours

Well fuck, I have no idea what to write. I don't have anything to confess that isn't SUPER SUPER SUPER private, or something about my parents which is not wise to talk about.  A secret... well If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, now would it. :3 I guess... Here's a very small, insignificant, stupid confession.  Even though, I think I've always had a crush on Vuk and Marko from my class. Yes even Marko.  Marko was a sort of trouble maker and he was always messy and so obnoxious and gross with his friends, but he wanted to fit in and he wanted to impress other people with everything he can do. And he was really really handsome always to be honest. Vuk was just super cuuute and a brainiack! That kid is a true genius, I'm not even kidding. Easily could become our second Einstein! :3  I realized Marko isn't like that at all and he is a true freaking sweetheart in 4 walls after proom but of course, too little, too late. :)

Friends Soundtrack!

Friends Soundtrack Created by beeline29 and taken 44 times on Bzoink