
Showing posts from October 28, 2013


My best friend.. I love so very very much. We've gone so apart ever since highschool. I didn't want to believe that we would ever have to be apart like this. She left me a message on twitter and I realized how much I miss her. She is the one person I feel loves me for me, ME, with everything I am and how I am. I've known her forever, she's always been there, since I still had my baby teeth. Slowly growing apart after school hurt so much, so much I didn't want to admit it, thinking I'd sound pathetic but I just made things worse... She also felt the same, but she never gave up because she cared for me. I should've showed her more love, the love I know she deserves. She made into a GREAT school and I was SO proud of her for that! She never ever judged me, what kind of a student I am. Her parents didn't like me and told her not to be friends with me anymore and for awhile she listened but at the end she said that it's her choice and if her parents k

My oh my

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