
Showing posts from January 17, 2014

Day 17; 5 things that irritate you about the same/opposite sex

Same freaking sex Dramatizing As in, when someone, especially in my class has a boyfriend, the moment something isn't up to their liking or expectations they momentarily find the need to dramatize about it, saying the guy has changed, she can't stand him anymore, he's too stressful (He makes her actually think for more than 10seconds) and so on and so forth. Leading up from that, Oh my god, I wanna break up with him, this is just too much... You've been together for a week... Let the guy breath. Selfishness When a guy does something bad, you have to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how he's wrong, how much he's an idiot, unfair, jerk, retard, asshole, how he needs to change and you have the balls of steel when you're sending that over a text, (Yet you admit you'd never be able to do it in person). He needs to apologize, you don't give a shit, it's his fault, you couldn't care less to find out if b