Hellow. I know at what time I am writing this but I couldn't resist talking about something that happened to me a few days ago. I think it was Wednesday. :3 I went to buy a few books I needed like Chemistry and a Grammar and I did. I decided to walk back home and listen to some music. The weather was relaxing and I honestly wanted to waste a little time before dad went to work. ^w^ I was just about to cross a very wide street, and I looked down on my phone to change my song and when I looked up I saw 2 boys walking towards me, already smiling - Danilo and Matija. <3<3<3 I felt butterflies! Danilo and Matija are my middle and junior high friends! I didn't see them for I think 3 months. They we're already smiling to me and I said "Hiiiiii", and for the first time we kissed as a greeting. ^w^! It may sound awkward but we didn't use to do that, they we're lil gays but now they kissed me. It was really sweet. They we're heading ...
Haai everyone. My feet are fucking killing me! Me and mom just got back home from the mall Ušće. It was so freaaking awesome! Today has been great, in great detail. Little things made me happy which surprises me. First, in school, my teacher didn't grade our Chemistry test so that made me happy. I will get them on Wednesday. I got this voucher at the end of 8th grade at the amount of $59. Which is 5,000 dinara for Gigatron! It's a computer store, check it out if you don't know about it. Anyway! I've always wanted headphones for music! Not those ear buds, but they're really expensive, like $30 and this was a great opportunity! I had to spend ALL of the 60 dollars otherwise I don't get back my change if I don't, 'cause it's a voucher so mom bought herself an adapter for her hard drive or something? I don't know the right translation. We even had to step in like 7 dollars. :3 I can't show you sadly, I can't take good pictures of them b...
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