Opinions, favorites and honesty.
opinions, favorites and honesty Created by thomismycat and taken 1041 times on Bzoink | |
What is your favorite thing to do?: | Sleep. :3 |
Do you have plans for the weekend?: | P-p-prrrooo...nothin xD |
Do you have/want kids?: | want. :3 |
What have you/will you name them?: | Natally Ann or Mason. :3 |
If you don't want kids, why not?: | :P |
What\'s your favorite smell?: | Of of... food... |
Least favorite smell?: | Farts! |
What do you think are 3 things that can destroy a person?: | Lying, being fake which is mostly the same thing and selfishness. |
What are 3 things that will make someone your friend?: | Trustfull, honest, nice. |
Something that will always make you happy?: | When i get what i want, buying xD |
Something that has always made you sad?: | My father. |
Do you have any pent up bitterness towards anyone?: | Yes. |
Do you cater to people's different personalities?: | cater? Oh i guess. |
Do you ever find yourself lying or to make yourself look good?: | Sometimes i have. |
What do you think of fake people?: | Stupid. |
Do you know when someone is lying?: | yes |
What do you do if you catch someone in a lie?: | Push truth in their face, i love doing that. |
Do you judge others even just a little bit who think different from you?: | No! |
What are some qualities in a person that attracts you to them?: | Honesty, to be reasonable, to be open-minded. |
What are some qualities that are instant turnoffs?: | Being superficial, limited/restircted/constrained. |
What do you think of an adult who is still dependent on their parents?: | Their problem. |
Are you generally by the book/follow the rules type or pretty laid back?: | Laid back. xD |
Are you a follower or leader?: | Leader mot of the time :3 |
Do you prefer to be lazy or stay busy?: | Lazyzzz |
Anything you've been meaning to do, but keep putting off?: | Getting better. |
How many times a month do buying something you don't need?: | At least 3486507492, 00 times. :3 |
Do you have anything you do that helps you feel better when you're down?: | Ice cream makes me feel better. That is, eating it. |
What would happen if everyone contributed to the needs of the world?: | We'd go insane. |
Do you like that this survey asks different questions than all the rest?: | Yes. :3 |
What is your favorite color (haha) of clothes to wear?: | Black, GREY aand, purple. :3 |
What inspires you in your daily life?: | Nothin'... |
What inspires your future?: | Nothin'... |
Are there any hobbies that you'd like to pick up?: | No. |
Are there things you'd like to do, but find yourself only talking about it: | Learning to ride a bike . |
How many times a week do you grocery shop?: | 4. x3 |
Do you buy brand name things or generic?: | Huuh? |
Are you at all environmentally conscious?: | Not really... |
Do you care what happens to strangers?: | Some. |
Would you make a sacrifice for a stranger?: | Maybe, depends what kind of sacrifice. |
Are you the same as you were 10 yrs ago?: | ...I was sucking on my thumb still 10 years ago... |
Are there any opinions or choices you made that you feel stupid for now?: | Yaaah... |
Is there a place that makes you like to go for sentimental reasons?: | No |
What your style (home, personality, dress)?: | :p |
Any styles that you dislike?: | I have none :3 |
Do you ever wish for something so much that it hurts?: | Yes... |
Do you have a good imagination?: | I guess :3 |
Ever wished anything fiction was real?: | yeees D: |
Do you have any methods for making things more positive?: | I repeat thoughts that i am strong, that always get's me to say Fuck it. |
Are you the type that people come to with their problems?: | Yes, always. |
Do you depend on anybody to sort out your emotions?: | No. |
What do you think of The Beatles?: | Never listened to them. xD |
Are you inspired by any kind of art?: | I guess? |
Are you a realist?: | Sometimes. |
Do you know what irony means?: | Yes. |
Do you have any bad habits/obsessions/compulsions?: | habits, bitting my nails -.- |
Do you get excited when you hear the ice cream truck?: | No... we no have ice cream trucks ;_; |
What's your favorite dessert?: | P-...I almost wrote Penis... o.o |
What will you be like when you're 70?: | Wait and see. ;) |
Did this survey get you thinking about anything?: | Yes. |
Will this survey inspire you to make any resolutions?: | No. xD |
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