
Showing posts from May, 2013

Happy Birthday!!

It's May 30th... Do you know what that means? It's a very very special day. It's a day when a boy was born, a cute little, curly-haired boy, who grew up till this day to an 18 year old man. That boy, is called Houston, also known as My Sweet Friend. <3 Happy birthday to him! <3 Happy birthday to you! ;) I wish you the best of luck in the Air Force, I wish you the best of luck with your girlfriend, i hope you two stay together for much longer and for you to continue to be happy. I wish you all the best, all the happiness in life and may you live another 100 years. Hopefully, still beside your girl. ;) Don't get cocky because you're 18, don't get laid too much even though you're not that type, don't start drinking... All in all, don't become Charlie Harper. :3 Happy birthday buddy! :3 I love you. <3

The Cosby show

I love how dad introduces me to new things. xD He randomly started watching Two and a half men and I sat beside him and watched... It turned into a new, pure, love. <3 I love that show and I always get sad when I think I cannot watch it anymore over the Internet. :( I don't feel like downloading 10 seasons... :( My dear Charlie, Alan, Candy, Mia... :3 Rawr. <'3 Anyway, this is a show about a black family, Cliff - the dad, his wife Claire, their kids, Theo, Denise, Rudi and Vanessa. :3 It's cool and I got to the 3rd season. It's not as good as Two and a half men, nothings as good or better than Two and a half men but... I like it. :3 Watch it. I recommend it. <3

Opinions, favorites and honesty.

opinions, favorites and honesty Created by thomismycat and taken 1041 times on Bzoink

You remind me of all the best things in life.

You remind me of all the best things in life Created by dreamer18 and taken 72 times on Bzoink Are you in looooove?: I aaaam :3 What's your reason to smile?: Lots :3 What letter does your crush's name begin with?: M! :3 Tell me a random fact about yourself.: I love necklaces :3 What would you say is your favorite genre of music?: Rock :3 How many lights are on right now?: 4 xD What's your favorite number? Why?: 17! It's a day my life got better. :3 You can only listen to 1 album for the rest of your life what do you pick?: Album? I have no idea :c What kind of accent do you have? : Serbian one? o.o Can you speak any languages other than English?: Little bit of Spanish, almost nothing of German. xD Are you part of any fandoms?: No! o.o Do you have any friends that give you a headache?: Yes -.- What's 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself?: my over-thinkin side. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?: "What you do is what yo

Best friend surprise! ♡

Today pretty much sucked and i was stressed all day but there is one person, that no matter what i find i have to tell her, she always cares, she always worries for me, she always asks me multiple times if i am okay, always makes sure she said everything in her power to make me feel better. After school, Kristina was telling me all day that she needed to show me something after school and that it has to be today and she made me promise i will not ditch her and i was like... Noo? o.o But on a side note, we got some cokes, on cans of coke, you have like names written on them, sometimes even last names, some random writings. Today we saw that it said something like, "Heart", "Doctor". o.o I wish i could show you. xD ..i just googled it and this is the point; Of course here i think it's only on cans and of course Serbian names, letters, yeah. Logical. xD So, She took me to this little place, it's like... a backyard a little i guess, it's surrounded