
Showing posts from July, 2014

Kitten Goes Meow

To anyone who visits this, no longer will be posting here. You are living your story | My story begins here  Enjoy if you care to! Intro;  Fresh new start

All to fucking waste!

. . . . . . Why? Guys. I have been working my ass off, I have been working my goddamn ASS off for everything to be perfect, why does it have to go to waste! Oh my god... Okay, Mike's birthday was 3 days ago and I planned WAY BEFORE IT...SO MUCH. I had all of these ideas, I was so excited, I was like 'Got this! Gonna make him so happy!', worked, filmed, wrote, edited. Spent a lot of good nights not sleeping, just trying to teach myself how to edit videos better, had all of the clips on my phone, always backed them up, always transferred them into my computer RIGHT AWAY so I don't mess up or forget or anything, I was so careful! Everything was going good, I was still late even though I started working before the date, but I didn't want to settle for anything less than perfection! I had so many beautiful clips of me talking, just... entire MOVIES, drawings, and me one-on-one to a video camera I finally got, telling Mike everything I have been holding for the