
Showing posts from June, 2014


Phew, nice and chilly. Kinda happy that fool died, honestly. Hahah. Ya ready? Yeah, let's go.

Being cute is the goal

I know something about myself that not many people realize, even after years of knowing me... I may be a hopeless romantic and I may love love and I may, maybe, imagine a snapshot of a what-if-we-were-together- wedding every time I see a handsome man on Tv or something but, I can't say I truly fall in love easy. One of the things, next to having to be able to make me laugh, someone needs to BE in order for me to feel sparks... is be cute. ^_^ ...I'll explain. A man can be hot, handsome, gorgeous, but that doesn't bring up much importance to me as when I find someone cute and adorable. Of course, attitude and character are 100% important but if you've already got cute covered, it's easier for me to get to know a guy. There has to be something in the guy, character or appearance wise that makes me go, "Awww that's so cuuuute!" at least once... Whether he talks cute or is clumsy and stumbles upon rocks, or starts talking fast when he's nervous

Love and romance

Guys, I read my book, ''To je bilo jedne noci na Jadranu" by Mir-Jam,  this morning...All I have to say, non stop something is happening, it's so interesting, NOTHING is boring, love, passion, pain, suffering, ROMANCE... Perfection in 400 pages! I HAVE NO WORDS. Oh so beautiful... I can't begin to describe. I won't give out what it's about, but if you're not into romance and love, don't read this. :3 (I wonder how many people actually dont?) I want to start my other one I also mentioned in my latest blogpost, Dreams of happiness. It's smaller than Mir-Jam, so it'll be finished in 3 days if I like it :3

Dreams of happiness

Left  ◊  'Dreams of happiness' by Lusy Dilon Right  ◊   'It was on one night on the Adriatic' by Mir-Jam ^_^  I finished my book 'Only yours' I mentioned in a previous blogpost of mine and I LOVED IT. I'm getting in this reading streak I don't want to break because I'm truly enjoying it and having fun, SO... Now I am deciding which one to start with next.  I was actually good. I think at first I had like six books in my hands to choose from and I was like, this is insane, near it down woman! So I did, to these two...  ◊  Oh, ignore the David Edings books in the background and my phone. Just stayed there in the picture.  ◊ Mom has been recommending To je bilo jedne noci na Jadranu for so damn long, I think actually years. I love Mir-Jam's series, like Ranjeni Orao, and she says this is the most romantic of all of them. I am a sappy love person so I'll like it but something is drawing me off. I think Dreams of happiness is m


It made me cry hysterically when I first heard it, still makes me tear up sometimes. Made a wrong turn, once or twice.  Dug my way out, blood and fire. Bad decisions, that' alright. Welcome to my silly life. Mistreated, misplaced, missunderstood, miss knowit. It's all good , it didn't slow me down. Mistaken, always second guessing, underestamated. Look I'm still around.  Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than, less than perfect. Pretty pretty please if you ever ever feel like you're nothing, you are perfect to me. You're so mean when you talk. About yourself you were wrong. Change those voices in your head. Make them like you instead. So complicated, look how we all make it. Feeling so much hatred. Such a tired game. It's enough, I've done all I can think off. Chased down all my demons , I've seen you do the same. Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less tha

Fuck everything

I'm so hungry! ;_; I am so freaking cranky all day, and I didn't eat anything since last night. I can't wait till dad get's back home, I'm directly asking, GIMME MONEY FOR FOOD! -.-' Buuut, I good a nice message this morning, around 6 am, right when I wake up from Mikey. :3 He will be gone another two weeks.. I feel like four had already passed but nope... Only two. ;-; He was sweet though! And I took my anger out on Kevs.. ;_; I'm a baad friend.. ;_;  There's more... he got scared. x3 But he understood, I think..^_^ He's such a good friend to me. :3  Dad just called me and told me not to leave the house 'cause he lost his keys..He's here in about an hour...COME ON! ;_; 


Hellow people! I was laying in my bed and reading my lovely book and talking to my Kevii bear at the same time and something came on my mind I need to write through. I've mentioned this before but I am a hopeless romantic type person. I completely believe in love and that love has no measures. I've always felt like that, no matter what was happening in my life. People who know me know what I am talking about and you'd think I ''gave up'' on the idea after so much shit and that I would think true love doesn't exist but no. Considering what I have been through with Mike for example, I can't be skeptical about love. I brought my book up for this because the book is about two completely different women leading completely different live that collide and having wonderful husbands. I feel like I can find love easily and I don't how good that is. The trick isn't to find it but to keep it and now that I think about it, I haven't done a pretty

My marvelous divorce

I finished my book - My marvelous divorce by Clair Dauling. ! I actually finished it at 1am today, I could not put it down. I had around 70 pages left and I was like fuck it! Not waiting till tomorrow! And I was so excited, I was at the point where I wanted to skip to the end and just read what was going to happen but noope! :3 *** The book is mainly about a woman Jackie Bol who knew that happiness was hard to find, so when Den Louis comes into her life she decided to grab a hold of him and keep him. BUT, something throws a mighty big shadow on her way to happiness, her first husband Henry Heart. Jackie sees her marriage as a nightmare so she highers a lawyer to get a divorce and move on with her life. However, Henry is determined to settle some old scores so when he finds Divorce papers on his front door,  he decided to use it. *** Now, I'm translating from Serbian, I'm sure this book is published in English, I'm 100% positive, but it may be called differently. I didn

Let's go back a little?

I was thinking, I'm missing a little fun in my life, honestly! My life has just been a blur of stress, questions, disappointments and all kinds of shit for the past 6 months at least. Not even drama is going on, absolutely nothing... So! I was thinking of going back to blogging like I used to.. You know, errday about stupid little things that pop onto my mind. Not really inspired, but I'll get into it! It's just an idea for now.. You know what I think the problem is? There is no one juicy enough to comment or read, like before... Remember? x3 If you don't, I can't remind you, 800 of my posts are gone. I regret deleting those too... Anyway! I'll brainstorm about this a little more while I go read my book! :3