
Showing posts from April, 2014

Animal haters stay away from me.

This isn't blog worthy at all but since I've been really neglecting my blog and I love to write anyway, like, ok. I started writing every single day, I am sort of changing my lifestyle in a way, I can't explain it. I think Kalel was a big infulence for that, she's kind of like my role model, or at least someone I look up too 90% of the time and I started collecting all of these cute notebooks and I started writing things down, every single day. About my days, thoughts, some of the things I've learned if I have through the day. . . some stupid little wishes for tomorrow or the far future. Anything like that. . . So, I was like, I love that I'm doing this but I have my blog/public diary for that as well. Why am I not working on both sides, so here I am! ^_^ Lately, animals have been a lot on my mind and I keep going back to people who just, legit, bluntly DON'T LIKE animals. Just feel the need to get rid of them because . . . they don't like them? I

Embracing my inner child

Okay so, I was walking around, I had money with me and I felt like spending it... I walked into a grocerie store of some kind and I just started browing a little bit of everything! The first thing I check is . . . - We've started getting some really cool, (rather expensive) sweets, from all over the world, I think mostly Germany but America as well and it's all like, some cookies or chocolate mint bars. But, one I found the most interesting... I'm sorry if you guys know what this is but we just got these and to be honest, I didn't want to buy them, I am not that big fan of cookies but the title . . . ''Walkers'', I'm sorry, TWD fans will understand me but what does that remind you of? Just let it set in . . . Yes, zombies, walkers from TWD. I literally imagined eating these cookies and turning into a walker. x3 ON THAT NOTE; I am so sad but so pleased the season has ended. It's my all time favorite show now, and I am so thankful to Mary f