
Showing posts from October, 2013


I was checking how apart my country is from Ohio and I got 4909 miles. ;__; That's around 7000 km I think, but anyway! I checked for Greece as well, or well Athens and we are apart by only 1.107,5 km! It's a 10 hour drive! I told Poroner that and he said he knew and he was like "we could easily meet for a weekend o.o" and I was like... I know right!! And it's not a bad idea at all!! With a car it just might take less! I've always wanted to visit Greece, especially Athens but I'd like to stay somewhere where the sea is close. Though if I went now, there's no way I could swim but at least I'd take walks or something! I'm loving this more and more! I'll spray this around my family, work out the bugs, I don't need much food on the trip! Snacks will do. I survive a 12 hour bus ride to Montenegro with 3 sandwiches and snacks. I'd sleep most of the time. :D I'll start looking up some options! And possibly meet Poroner! That'd

I hate South Park!

This may be the longest wait ever... Created by xxbieberburnham and taken 93 times on Bzoink

Love isn't finding the perfect person, it's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

Love isn't finding the perfect person, it's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. Created by -neonteardrops and taken 141 times on Bzoink


My best friend.. I love so very very much. We've gone so apart ever since highschool. I didn't want to believe that we would ever have to be apart like this. She left me a message on twitter and I realized how much I miss her. She is the one person I feel loves me for me, ME, with everything I am and how I am. I've known her forever, she's always been there, since I still had my baby teeth. Slowly growing apart after school hurt so much, so much I didn't want to admit it, thinking I'd sound pathetic but I just made things worse... She also felt the same, but she never gave up because she cared for me. I should've showed her more love, the love I know she deserves. She made into a GREAT school and I was SO proud of her for that! She never ever judged me, what kind of a student I am. Her parents didn't like me and told her not to be friends with me anymore and for awhile she listened but at the end she said that it's her choice and if her parents k

My oh my

-My Oh My...A Survey- Created by -egocentricity- and taken 2059 times on Bzoink

Even enemies can show respect.

Priam: You really think death frightens me now? I watched my eldest son die, watched you drag his body behind your chariot. Give him back to me.  He deserves the honor of a proper burial, you know that. Give him to me. Achilles: He killed my cousin. Priam: Thought  it was you. How many cousins have you killed? How many sons and fathers and brothers and husbands, how many brave Achilles? I knew your father. He died before his time. But he was lucky not to live long enough to see his son fall. You have taken everything from me. My eldest son, air to my throne, defender of my kingdom. I cannot change what happened, it is the will of the gods, but give me this small mercy. I loved my boy from the moment he opened his eyes till the moment you closed them. Let me wash his body. Let me say the prayers. Let me place two coins on his eyes for the boatman. Achilles: If I let you walk out of here, If I let you take him, it doesn't change anything. You're still my enemy in

My hero

I realized a few things.. Please read until the end if you're interested, but I realized that I am an atheist but there Is one thing I am quite fond of believing in and it makes more sense to me to believe in it - .Greek mythology. I won't get into that, but I've been thinking, you know how everyone has an idol? Or their own hero they look up to? I think I found mine. Achilles.   Achilles is a mythical hero from all I know from this point of view and this century but I believe he was real. He was a half-god or demigod, because his mother Thetis was a nymph but his father wasn't. Peleus, he was a king ONLY I think… I love the way Achilles is. He never accepted someone rolling over him, telling him what to do, how and when to do it. Also known as Agamemnon. He was his own ruler, he believed in himself, his choices and decisions, his moves,  his sword and his shield. He was an atheist as well as me. If anyone's going to punish him for killing a priest, it wil

12 friends

12 Friends. Created by lyss013 and taken 25 times on Bzoink

Mom's birthday!

On Sunday! Tomorrow I gotta buy her the gift she wanted!... Yes, that's me. I wait until the last minute. ;w; But! At least I know what! I asked her what to buy her since I've already bought everything possible and I don't want to buy her clothes.. so she told me she ran out of lipsticks.. or lip-glosses. She doesn't use lipsticks. So, she wanted this XXXL lip-gloss from Lily's! A shade darker than mine and it's only around $2.50! It's okii! :3 I'm gonna add something sweet with it! I can't wait and grandma is making MY favorite chocolate cake, made ENTIRELY out of chocolate but made right... Oh is it the sweetest. :3 I'm really excited. I hope nothing get's me down that day. Also! I got an A in arts today! ;3 Yey! 

The memories that hang the heaviest are the easiest to recall.

The memories that hang the heaviest are the easiest to recall Created by dinosauramanda and taken 340 times on Bzoink

You're everything I want, 'cause you're everything I'm not.

You're everything I want,'cause you're everything I'm not. Created by -infatuatedgirl and taken 284 times on Bzoink


For me it's the most important. In anything, especially relationships, of any kind. But trust isn't easy to gain for me, especially now. I was very very naïve before, I could trust anyone with anything, I wouldn't think of the damages or anything, probably because I never experienced broken trusts. Now I have a huge distance with people in general and I have this wall that's hard to break… I don't show my feelings until the person I am talking to does it first. I will do everything in my power to make you see you can trust me and if you start, I'll trust you with some things, not all of it… But if you never tell me what's wrong, don't tell me your feelings or anything, then I won't either . People really can trust me with anything, ask any of my friends… Especially guys. I'm not the girl who will judge you even if you come to me with a personal confusion about your body or something, but, I must really like you if I decided to trust you w

Questions about me

In this new school, since I've changed I think a lot, at least to people who haven't talked to me in a really long time, I have A LOT, but in my school, people don't know me.. so they're confused. Tomorrow, we have a class that's called "Gradjansko" and it's mostly a class with topics and we discuss. It's really really cool. Ever since two weeks ago, I got a chance to state some of my opinions on stuff like Religion and The differences in people.  Everyone looked at me like, "O.o". One girl Andjela asked me as a joke how many college's did I pass. x3  Haha, it's not at all like that... I just OVER- think. I don't read... at all. But here are some questions they've been wondering about me... Why are you so serious all the time?  I'm not REALLY... I mean, I am with them and I was like that from the first day, but I'm very hard to get through, It's very hard to make me comfortable in person or even

I need a doctor...

I'm about to lost my mind. You've been gone for so long, I'm running out of time... I need a doctor... Call me a doctor... I need a doctor, doctor... To bring me back to life . I told the world, One day I would pay it back.  Say it on tape and lay it, record it so one day I could play it back, but I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that.  Doubt startin' to creep in. Everyday is just so grey and black. Hope ; I just need a ray of that 'cause no one sees my vision. When I play it for'em they just say it's wack but they don't know what dope is and I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this, all I know is, you came to me when I was at my lowest.  You picked me up, breathed new life in me. I owe my life to you. Before the life of me I don't see why you don't see like I do.  But it just dawned to me, you lost a son. Demons fighting you, it's dark.  Let me turn on the lights and brighte

When you're gone...

I always needed time on my own. I never thought I'd need you there when I cry. And the days feel like years when I'm alone.  And the bed where you lie is made up on your side. When you walk away, I count the steps that you take. Do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you. When you're gone, the face i came to know is missing to. When you're gone, the words I need to hear to always get me thru the day and make it okay. I miss you...  I've never felt this way before. Everything that I do reminds me of you.  And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor and they smell just like you. I love the things that you do . When you walk away, I count the steps that you take. Do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone,  the pieces of my heart are missing you. When you're gone,  the face i came to know is missing to. When you're gone,  the words I need to hear to alwa

I'm so happy I saw you.

Hellow.   I know at what time I am writing this but I couldn't resist talking about something that happened to me a few days ago. I think it was Wednesday. :3   I went to buy a few books I needed like Chemistry and a Grammar and I did. I decided to walk back home and listen to some music. The weather was relaxing and I honestly wanted to waste a little time before dad went to work. ^w^   I was just about to cross a very wide street, and I looked down on my phone to change my song and when I looked up I saw 2 boys walking towards me, already smiling - Danilo and Matija. <3<3<3   I felt butterflies! Danilo and Matija are my middle and junior high friends! I didn't see them for I think 3 months. They we're already smiling to me and I said "Hiiiiii", and for the first time we kissed as a greeting. ^w^! It may sound awkward but we didn't use to do that, they we're lil gays but now they kissed me. It was really sweet. They we're heading