
Showing posts from January, 2013

Poroner! ♡

Oh yey! My baby surprised me. He talked to Poroner and i can't tell you how happy i was to just see his name. I know i seem like i'm in love with him, please no comments on that. I am not in love with him. I do love him but it's a different love. :P Know the difference please. I'm just happy when i have him in my life, no matter how quiet. I said that. :3 We barely spoke, i two messages, him two back, but i don't really care. I just need to see him there. :) I have so much songs..! ^w^... The problem is "solved" from earlier... butterflies stopped but i will not continue the conversation... I don't know what to say. :p I'm pretty happy! My baby really did it for just me! ^w^ To make me happy! I didn't know when it will happen or anything... he just told me; My hero <3: ive got a surprise for you |♥Blue :3 ♥|: ? My hero <3: you will see ^_^ My hero <3: just wait for it =) |♥Blue :3 ♥|: Alright My hero <3: :3 |♥Blue :3

You're gay!?

|♥Blue :3 ♥|: Wtf you just proved most womens thoughts XD My sweet friend: Somehow I tend to do that. I'm not like most guys, clearly. My sweet friend: O-O I'm not gay! |♥Blue :3 ♥|: No? D: My sweet friend: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! |♥Blue :3 ♥|: Aw...DARN! D;< My sweet friend: O-O What!? |♥Blue :3 ♥|: Nothing... D': My sweet friend: -.-' what? |♥Blue :3 ♥|: I thought you were... o;< My sweet friend: BLUE! My sweet friend: I'm....I'm speechless... |♥Blue :3 ♥|: Im kidding!!! D': My sweet friend: Holy fucking shit! You had me going.....jesus christ, blue. Nice one |♥Blue :3 ♥|: OwO |♥Blue :3 ♥|: Am i that good...? |♥Blue :3 ♥|: Nice. :D My sweet friend: Well text doesn't show emotion so I couldn't hear it in your voice/text My sweet friend: I gotta love you for that! XD You had me. |♥Blue :3 ♥|: D'aww :D I was too lazy to re-write. See.... :3 I don't even try. I'm that cool. B) *whispers* Shhh, he's totally

Girl... GIRL!?

Timon: Ah Pumbaa, look at that little guy. A chip of the old block.  And you gotta know who's gonna raise him!  Pumbaa: His parents?  Timon: Ok, sure get technical. But how's gonna teach him the really important stuff? Like how to belch? And dig for grubs?  I'm telling you buddy, it's gonna be like old times. You,me and the little guy. Rafiki: Hihihi, it is a girl. Timon: Girl... Both: GIRL!?! Oi...  :3 They loved it at the end... ^w^  Asante sana Squash banana, wewe nugi mimi hapana! :3  If there's so much i must be, can i still just be me? The way i am.  Can i trust in my own heart or in my just one part, of some big plan? Even those who are gone are with us as we go on. Your journey has only begun. Tears of pain, tears of joy, one thing nothing can destroy -  is our pride deep inside. We are one.   ♡

You bitches!! D:<

Fuck you. I actually thought i liked you bitches! And no, i didn't mean you . :P I almost never do. XD Alan: Hello. I'm Charlie's brother Alan.  I wanna thank you all for coming. I know this is a sad day for all of us.  Blond whore: Speak for yourself.  Alan: O-ok, Uhm, I understand that some of you may have, "mixed" feelings, but, i-i think we can all agree that Charlie lived life to it's fullest and,and gave it everything he had. Brown bitch: Gave me harpies. Chelsea: Clamidia.  Other brown bitch: Vaginal wards. Evelyn: Excuse me, this is my dead son we're talking about. I loved him and i'm devastated that he's gone. Leaving me with nothing but my memories and my regrets and the listing for his beautiful front beach Malibue, with 3 bedrooms and 3 and a half bad's. And a beautiful panoramic oceans view.  Help yourself to brochures out by the coffee.  Alan:.. Thank you, mom. Um Anyway- Evelyn: Open house is Sunday, 13 to 17h. A

Once upon a December...

Gorgeous.  ♡  Anastasia Dancing pares, painted wings. Things i almost remember. And a song, someone sings, Once upon a december. Someone holds me safe and warm... Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully, across my memory. Someone holds me safe and warm... Horses prance through a silver storm.  Figures dancing gracefully, across my memory. Far away long ago, glowing dim as an amber.  Things my heart used to know,  things it urns to remember... And a song someone sings...  Once upon a December... 


He's on my mind right nao. I don't know why, so don't ask yourself. :D He just is. I used to have his pictures on my phone.... Do i still?... -checks-... ... .... I had one. owo I can't show, I don't invade privacy. :) ... Wait a minute, why wouldn't i? Oh yeah, I'm not that low. :P I'll keep it that way. :) I had the strange urge to look at it last night. I'm over him and i smile so much when i think about what he put me through, it doesn't hurt one bit. You could start repeating every single word he ever told me, all the lies, all the scams but, Nah, it's just Kevs. :D  Have you ever, accepted someone for who they are?  You don't really like who they are or what they do, and it's not someone you could be with but you still accept them as they are? Does that make sense? :)  In my head it does. He was gorgeous, i hope he still is. owo ... He seemed tall, very tall... I can't really say much about his looks, or

It's easier when it's you who's talking and not feeling!

I don't like when i read tweets or hear people say, "Life is one, live it how you should" and all that crap when you're depressed or upset. Yeah, you're right but you're fucking annoying. Don't you think we all know that? But it's fucking easier to say it than do it. You have no idea how much you have to give up to have a mind like that, you have to not give a shit even about the things that make you happy. If that makes sense. It's fucking bullshit for people who are at that moment depressed. There is no point in telling a depressed person it's going to be okay. There's not much you can say, only do. And that's be there for'em. I hate those, "Life is one! There's no time for pain!". Life is pain. Life is happiness also. I really do understand that people who do say that mean well and want to help, but i hate when people push it, or worse, leave you when you say it over  100 times and you still try but fail.


I miss my friend, i do. Every day. <3 The first song he ever sent me. The first time he showed me he actually cared for me, for a stranger. I'll never forget that and how i cried.

Fun day!

Yesterday! :3 I went out with Christina and 3 other friends to watch a movie! We watched The Hobbit in 3D! :D It was so awesome! We again ended up talking like 2 hours into the movie and almost didn't see the end. xD Oh well, it was a fine movie i guess. :) But now i understand how Bilbo even had the ring with him. :D It was awesome, we watched the movie and then we went on some cool 4D rides. I can't explain but you sit and it's like you're having a rolercoaster ride in either a mine or some space thing. xD Itwas awesome, it did cost 250dinara but meh, it was fun! :3 Christina, Milica and me went on that. Tijana couldn't spend more money. :) We went out to fool around with clothes, Christina got very bored and it seemed like she was mad at the ending 'cause Milica, Tijana and me made plans but i asked her and she said she was ok. I saw she wasn't but when we all got home i called her and she just felt sort of weird, neither she could explain but! :3 It

TAAHM - S7E15 Break up plea-SCORE!

Charlie bawls over Chelsea leaving 'cause he over-reacted to her spending time with a Charity dude Brad. --in Alan's room-- Alan: Charlie? Charlie: I can't sleep in my bed, it smells like Chelsea.  Alan: O-oh ok, well, why don't you stay here and i'll go sleep in your room. -tries to get up- Charlie: N-no, don't go. -pulls him down- I don't wanna be alone. Alan: A-alright... You're wearing pajama bottoms right?  Charlie: Shhhh. Alan: Exactly how drunk are you?  Charlie: -puts his arms around Alan in the spoon position-  Alan: Both questions, asked and answered ._.  --mean time-- --at the end-- Charlie is upset and hurt and is looking over his balcony. Evelyn(his mom); I just got a call from Chelsea. Charlie: Yeah? Evelyn: She said she wants to post-pone the wedding. Charlie: I know.. Evelyn: I'm sorry. Charlie: Thanks. Evelyn; Believe or not, i do love you and i hate to see you hurt. Charlie: Yeah well, i guess kinda had it


Season 6, episode 16. Charlie and his new girlfriend are watching a basketball game..->  Episode 16 I didn't remember his girlfriends name.. owo UPDATE; Chelsea: It seems to me that it would be more fair that if everybody on both basketball teams was the same height. Charlie: That's how it seems to you huh? Chelsea: Yeah, like in boxing. Heavy weights fight heavy weights, light weights fight light weights.  Charlie: So,in your world, everybody on a basketball team would be say, 6'5 and they would only play other teams that we're 6'5?  Chelsea: Exactly! That way no one would have unfair advantage.  Charlie: Huh, that's very interesting. Chelsea: You really think so? :3  Charlie: No, but it's less likely to start a fight than,"That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard". xP Chelsea: And yet you said it anyway.  Chelsea: Listen, i've gotta talk to you about something. Charlie: Okay, dumb was a poor choice of words.  Chels

Season 6!

Wow!! <3 I hit to season 6 already! <3 I don't honestly like it that much... i hated how Kandi and Alan broke up, it just wasn't fair!...Sorry for spoilers.. ;_; It's all the same... Even Evelyn got married again and the husband died on the day of their wedding... from a heart attack... of too much excitement... if you know what  i mean. ;) Jake is getting-...Charlie might have made a baby to a woman! o.o Ten years ago!...I'll see..~! Anyway! Jake is getting so cute! :3 He's tall, he's not fat anymore... his face is cute! ^w^... I love this show!!

Poor Charlie...

Two and a half men, Episode 24 in Season 3. Read it please... how a brother did something... and it get's so hit on his nose... Charlie decided to marry Mia and right before the wedding...

Minecraft? No./Over-something stuff.

I just don't like it. It was a really cool game when i first found out about it, not many people in my school at least knew too much about it too and it was fun then. I didn't care about the graphics, i just liked it, it's very creative. I started disliking it a lot whenever all of my friends started gloating and blabing to me about new servers coming up, Minecraft something 8, blah blah blah. I don't like it anymore. I've played it for awhile and honestly, now it's over-played. I know that's stupid to say cuz every game can be over-played but, if you want to put an exact label on it, it's... over-talked about, i don't know, i've lost interest in it. I honestly think of it now as a Lego puzzle. I hope you know what those are. I was on this forum a long,long time ago and there was this topic, something like, "YES! YES! MINECRAFT IN REAL LIFE SOON! WOULDN'T THAT BE AWESOME!". The only thing that i could think of is, "You

What age range do you prefer in relationships/dating?

This is a question/poll i saw and got. I just wanna discuss it. Alright, age in relationship in my opinion is important. I'd love to say age doesn't matter but i'd be lying and being unrealistic. If were talking about teen relationships, meaning age from 13 to 18, age really does matter. Honestly, i have a really complex thing on this. If you're 13-14, over 2-3 years is a lot. But after you get to 15-16 even 3 years isn't a lot. It's really complicated but just seeing as he can't be over 18. Mike is 3 years older than me and as much as i would like to think that's nothing, i can't lie, it is a bit but it doesn't really create that much of a problem as much as it sounds it does. But as you get older even more, even these 3 years will seem like nothing. I mean, when you're a pretty grown up lady, like 20-21, if he was 23-24, you wouldn't even ask yourself. It'd just seem like nothing. But in my opinion, while having teen relatio

My city!

...A bit of it! xD Just parts that are most known and where people spend most time in. :3 Click continue or i'll kill your first born!! That's the part of Kalemegdan where i was sitting in  Little me!  You see the wall.. it seemed much bigger then... or i grew... of course i did! Marija... =v= ... Well yeah, that's how it looks at night! All of it is in lights! :3 This is how it looks all together! :3 Things seem much bigger when you're in it... the towers look like little toothpicks..xD But see, that circle of green you see right there, used to be all of Belgrade... well i don't know how long ago, i just know that not even grand, grand... grand parents were alive. :3 THIS is my favorite part! :3 This is the center of mah city i guess. That's a hotel, Moskva that actually get's me excited every time i look at it. ^w^ My mom hates when i do that... :D She don't like to think about the reason. ;) I live not so near this but r

They left..

Yeah, my aunt and uncle just left with mah brother. I wish they stayed longer but they were here for almost 7 hours.. Oh well....I need to find some picture to show you! He's adorable! Maybe in some other blogpost. ;'3 Waiting for Houston right now..!! Come on you fucker! D: ...No jk... D: I'm kidding..!! COME ON! D: I'll make it up to you..! =v= ....I love Mike is home-schooled. :D I can talk to him whenever i want... but Houston started school yesterday..! >w< Why!!! ..I'll write something else...! 

Iron emergency!

Gah.. My brother spilled cold, cold water all over me! xD And he bit me! D: ...I love'im! <3 I don't get to see him at all often, i love holding him! <3 He loves playing with my computer and he loves mouses. My pc went nuts, he threw mah keyboard down. xD He's playing with my uncle right now. :3 I just changed my shirt. Today is so fun! <3 I have to show a picture soon! ^////^ 

Little brother!

Yeees! :'3 My little brother, my aunt and uncle are here! :3 Oh my god, he's almost 2 years old, he's ADORABLE! Like one of those little kids in commercials! :3 He's the most cutest baby i've ever seen! <3 He can walk and in the cutest way say "mommy" and "daddy"! :3 Im gonna post a pic a little while after! <3 I wanna be with him now..!  He and my aunt are going to take a nap afterwards! :3 I'm so excited! <3 

You call that a knife? This is a knife!

Welcome to sin city bitches!  Please refrain from throwing your fucking body over the side. Fasten your fucking belts 'cause it's going to be a rocky ride! You're nothing more than a self-centered whore. You're nothing more than a self-centered whore. How does it feel bitch?!  I'd ask where you've been, but would you know where to begin? It's time you had a change 'cause every night is the fucking same! Each time you go to bed you meet someone new . I swear to God mate, who could think highly of you ? I could say you're the only one, then i'd be lying . I could say that we're dead and done, but i know you'd only be crying. There's only so much i can do to try and fix you, to try and fix you. Your time is up. Look me in the eyes you slut.  Your time is up bitch !   You filthy fucking cunt!  You filthy fucking cunt!  If only you knew this one was for you! If only you knew ... Face down,ass up,that's the

Everything is going great so far!

Yes! My mom tried to wake me up around 8 and i asked for just one more hour. I had a nightmare again, worse than last night and didn't get good sleep, so i wanted to catch up. She tried again around 9:10 but i delayed for another 20 minutes. :D We were laughing and she always makes me feel better. I made her laugh... i make everyone laugh who i can be my goofy self with and ask crazy and abnormal questions. Even she said it would be a complete bore without me. :3 We had a Christmas breakfast, it was great, a candle was lit up in the middle of our table. I got my present, it's nothin' special but my mom knows what i love! I love notebooks! Like...  this!  and stuff like  that . Of course it's not just in one color, i think it has something about Paris about it! I love those notebooks, i love to write in them. That's where i write my stories. :3 Or wrote..:3 Alright..! Well, it's great so far, i look nice! I'm gonna go for a walk now, the day is beautif

It's Christmas!

Yee, it's passed midnight and i was the first one to say! My mom and grandma are still up.. my mom has been working all day long..or well yesterday. I am so tired but i don't want to sleep...I wanna wait for Houston or Mike if by any chance they can still get on... but i'm really tired. QnQ I need to get up early... Oh well. Merry Christmas from me!... I don't really enjoy it but meh, mostly for mah mom ,she loves Christmas. Trees, candles, lights, she hates snow. :D Eh..i'll post my day just since i probably be won't have much time later today and go to bed. :) 

For the funz!

I decided i'm gonna have a lil fun nao! :3 I'm gonna put my winamp on snuffle and just my songs i love, that pop up, i'm gonna write in mah blog and write a verse or the chorus from the songs! <3 Just how many songs...? :3 Until it repeats itself..? That's too long. ;_;  You choose the number of songs i should put and i promise i won't skip or anything..! :3 ..or...WAIT! I have Titanic soundtracks in there, i'll get'em out for this! :3 So... how many songs! 


Yeah i completely forgot to mention that..! It's Christmas eve todaii and well...the day is honestly going so unbearably slow..! My mom and grandma are out in front of the church a few blocks away. :)... I am noming coke... yeah, i'm om noming coke, that's how cool and hipp i am..^w^ Anyway... my Winamp is on snuffle with all my songs and with each that comes i sing out loud... i can! No one can hear me..! owo Right now it's on "Keep holding on" by Avril... Keep holding on! 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. Just stay strong! 'Cause you know i'm here for you, i'm here for you! There's nothing you can say,nothing you can do! There's no other way when it comes to the truth so, Keep holding on..!  Yeah...:3 Let's see what's next... i swear i won't look..!! ... .. ... .... ..... Hahaha. x3 Avril Lavigne, I love you. Haha. x3 You're so beautiful! But that&

They can't break me as long as i know who i am.

A song that gives me so much confidence, it's unbelievable! Especially now. :) My friends are not listening to me...=w=...I love'em. <3  I am a question to the world, not an answer to be heard. All a moment that's held in your arms. And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway, you don't know me and i'll never be what you want me to be. And what do you think you'd understand? I'm a boy no, i'm a man. You can't take me and throw me away. And how can you learn what's never shown? Yeah you stand here on your own. They don't know me, cause i'm not here! And i wanna a moment to be real! Wanna touch things i don't feel! Wanna hold on and feel i belong! And how can the world want me to change? They're the ones that stay the same. They don't know me 'cause i'm not here! And you see the things they never see. All you wanted, i could be. Now you know me and i'm not afrai

Fantastic! :D

Watch it please!! :D  Mike loves polar bears and he said he was jealous of this dude...x'D I don't know how he can! I mean, polar bears are awesome, true, they're beautiful animals but if i didn't raise him ever since he could barely walk, i couldn't get near him.xD Logical. =w= Anyway..! At 01:31 he practically jumps in the pool and get's out exactly like a human! :D I know some of you may think it as logical, like "duh? Every animal can swim", and i agree but come on, i never actually saw it. ^w^ It's awesome! 

NOW THAT is my kind of home!

:'D...I was talking with Mike and we were somehow talking about animals...oh yeah! I showed him a picture of former kitties i used to have...he was white and black! I miss'im! <3 But, we came down to Siamese cats!! <3 Mike loves'em! I think they are cute..! ^w^ He showed m-...No Mike...Just no...x'D Anyway..~ He showed me... That is my kind of home!! :D I LOVE CATS!! <3 I had once that many! :'3 I love'em!! <3 IF i could i would have'em. I wouldn't leave their side, i have a feeling honestly! :D 

Last letter...P.S. I love you.

Spoiler if you haven't watched the movie!  Dear Holly, i don't have much time. I don't mean literally, i mean you're out buying ice-cream and you'll be home soon but i have a feeling this is the last letter, because there's only one last thing left to tell you.  It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me.  It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man by loving me Holly, and for that, i'm eternally  grateful, literally.  If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you're sad or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you'll try and see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets, how lucky am i. You made my life Holly, and i'm just one chapter in yours, they'll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one; Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out

Writing stories again?

Yeah i stopped, i didn't have the inspiration anymore, but... should i start again? It mite be a suckii at first, maybe a really little short story? Oh oh! My mom used to tell me my FIRST ever said-out loud story, wanna hear?! :3 I'll tell you anyway! :3 "Once upon a time there was a little girl. And she was walking through a forest. She fell into a hole. It was dark in the hole...and she died". ...STAHP! I was 3! ^w^ <3 Anyway...maybe i should start again? Maybe a lil short story to get "back on the horse". :D ..No jk. Seriously, everyone is telling me i, i may start... Any suggestions? What kind of story? :)