
Showing posts from December, 2012

Thank you! ♡

I am in a particularly good mood right now...all thanks to? Who? :3 Houston!  ♡  Yei! <3 We were again talking... literally all day! Ever since i woke up at 12, till now. :3 So around 7 hours. ^w^ I'm really glad we talk so much, he helps a lot, he's weird, he's cool, he has the cutest nose i've ever seen. ;D Thehe! ...Mike, stop it. :P Your nose is just as cute. XD ...And we'll talk a lot soon! =w= Stop...!! Anyway, i'm really glad he came. It all started when i randomly messaged him because of his status and a few days passed and we started talking. :3 He's a dork, he wears hats and has pretty curly hair as i saw! Short hair! :3 He'll like this and i hope smile, but i've been really enjoying, he's helped me a lot. :) I'm in a happy mood, i'm gonna go bugg him now some more. ^w^ ~Turn the lights out now, now i'll take you by the hand. Hand you another drink, drink it if you can. Can you spend a little time, time is

Happy b-day! ♥

Yeei! It's my friends birthday today! <3 I was super late but... he wasn't on! ;___; Wagas, happy birthday! <3 Best wishes and all! ;3 I'll make him somethin'! What guys! O: He really always takes care if i'm ok and talks to me nonstop. :3 Like a big brother! <3 I will make him something special! ^w^ I'll see what! Happy birthday big bro! <3 


gjgofhguifhg! I hate when Poroner is always busy Meanii! Leaves me all alone! To be worried sick! never appreciates what i do or how hard i try! Unthankful! Leaves me all alone and leaves all of a sudden! I never wanted more than to know if he's ok!! He wants to ignore me and leave me worried sick! I care for him! He scares me! Play games and don't give shit!! I'm done with you!!!!!

Why grow up..

I don't know. Everyone in my school, at least my class friends keep saying, "I can't wait to get out of of here!", "This school is so ugh!", "I can't wait to grow up and get out of here!Go to higher schools!". I don't get it... all i want is to go back to 1st grade and learn what 2 plus 3 is. ^w^ It's 22 right? :3 No jk, i know it's 5. =v= But seriously, with next term coming closer i keep wanting to go back. One day we'll look back and cry, at least i will. It's hard for me to say goodbye to my school and friends...but i know that times flows within' seconds. I'm not saying i get those, "uuuuh! I hate school! Come on classes! Be over!", moments, let's be real you're going to miss it when it's finished. You'll look back and wish for just 3 more seconds to sit in your class chair. ^w^ But that's my opinion. :) I know i did.. I cried when i got to 5th grade and finished my 4 years wi

Ultin' Gragas song!

I love lol!! :D My family friend plays LoL with my dad ALL the time and they are a real time. Joca mostly plays with Gragas and he found this. :3    They all mad 'cause i am so awesome!  Barrel down! Hey!  Another down! Hey!  They all mad 'cause i am so awesome! barrel down! hey! Another down! Hey! She can run but she can never get away! :'D  I love people who made this. :3

Class conversation

Hehe, it makes me laugh. :3 I found a lil paper and on it it has mine and my best friend's conversation! I think we were in German class. We always pass out notes and talk! :3 In English yes... It's weird, but ever since i got together with Mike, describing things became impossible in Serbian, so we passed out notes in English and she started to love it. Now it's constant. We draw even hearts and smileys. x3 On SMS's, over facebook, everywhere. :3 It's lovie and it was a long time ago... maybe... 6-7  months ago. :3


I thought why i stopped being open in my blog... i don't remember. I find it hard to believe that a group of people can make you SO paranoiac? You know that...xD You know that someone fucks with your brain and trust so badly that you don't know who to trust and when just ANYONE that even says, "Oh yeah i know her/him/them!", you just wanna leave? xD Jesus, i have. I mean, no, it doesn't hurt me, it makes me smile. I just wish i kept the chats and everything but meh, don't really matter anymore, it seriously makes me laugh now. But i don't make a plan, do a whole game, make up a complete situation, lie. Those same people hate bullies and say in defense they are... lemme check.... They say they have class. Take pride in lying and being a player and call it class? Is it really a that sick friendship around? I don't understand. If someone could explain i would gladly listen but... i don't think they would have the answers

Fair on Saturday! ♡

Yes! I just might go! With my best friend and other friends from school. ;3 We'll go on those rides... god, Christina would make me escape from jail even though there's a big posibilty they'll take us back. xD She's an adventurer!  She would do anything once! Except drugs and that other shit. :) We'll have money with us and it'll be fun! I am a bit sad i am not going to my moms place though...but i'll see her during the week! ...My parents are divorced. c: I am not upset by it, i'm used to it. They've been for the past 4 years. :) Oh! Did i mention my nephew is a boy...? I didn't did i? xD Sorry, the name for me is self-explantary but i guess for you no? xD Well they're both boys! I haven't seen either of them... Luka is at the hospital for a thingy... and Andrija is with his mom. She's getting out today! If there aren't any complications! I can't wait for both! The fair and my nephews! <3


One of the things that bothers me. My friend Jovana for example (not our Jovana,Mike), always says, no matter for what situation, "I hate her/him! I really do!", and if i ask why and what did that person do to her, she says "She's so mean! She didn't say goodmorning to me!" or anything stupid like that. And she's a Jesus freak by the way. I don't like that people use that word more than they should. Something i learned through the past year. Hate is a too much of a strong word. Hate is a destructive feeling and the line between love and hate is petite. When you truly hate someone, he has to do something unbelievably brutal to you and just terrifying. When you hate, your whole world spins around the fact that you want evil, t hat you want to make that person's life bad, take away his happiness, and it's destructive as i said. It destroys yourself as well.  You don't hate anyone. For an ex boyfriend, you're mad, you're

Kyou's eye!

I drew it, it didn't turn out...THAT good, but i can't get the curves and shading right with just black and white, but i'm gonna try and do it in SAI. :3 I'll see how it turns out... this is how it looks right now; That's on paper, took me about 10 minutes, i took it by my moms phone.  Only her phone right now has the thingy to connect with my computer. That's how i get my music.  x3 Anyway, it's for this picture... Her right eye. :3 I know it's not that well...but i'll show the SAI work. I bet it's going to be even worse...or i'll just give up. x3

I'm going to try for the funz!

Yes... I'm gonna try and draw Kyou's eyes. :3 Why..? Well... the other day i was in school the...kid who watches over and shit, i had some sort of notebook with me and i did a anime/manga eye out of my head. And it turned out pretty well..:3 Then i tried to draw a more realistic eye, or in other words, i tried to use Christina's eye's as reference and it turned out great! I might show it next week! :D But for now...i'll try this. I'll post it. :3 

Pewdiepie! /Forum!

Haha, i just remembered the forum! xD How long has it been since i am banned? Two months? Maybe... I love Pewds! Even though i stopped watching most, i can't keep up with every playthrough he makes, it's too much to keep up with all the parts, but every once in awhile i come back to my sense, and pee my pants! All that good stuff! :D Oh man... i love how now i just entered the forum and you can be signed in, but you can't do shit. All it says "Your user account has been banned.". x3 I love how it stands that i have a private message, though i can't open. Why i love it? Because i remember WHY i was banned. :D That was fuuuuun~! Eh, i don't miss the forums at all. Most of my friends i actually enjoyed talking to were off it before me. I just stayed for the boredom. Besides, i have'em on skype. :3 I still remember some members that used to annoy me... i never started shitstorms, but when i got pissed, i got pissed. x3 I must say it was real fun. R

Animals / Chinese menu.

I have the desire to talk about them, i love animals. :3 I can't say i love all animals, that would be a lie. I don't, but most of them. I've lived my whole life with cats and i had a white bunny and two parrots. x3 Not all at once of course. I remember...we had a girl and a boy parrot that loved each other. They were in love and it was so cute, they would feed each other. We had a random cat come in somehow and the girl went out and flew away. I was little so i don't really remember, but this is from my mom. The cat ate the girl parrot. Kića (male) was so upset...They had little swings in their cage. His was blue, her was red.. He sat on her swing, calling her for days. It felt like he was crying for help... My mom and dad bought him a new one, and whenever the girl tried to sit on the red swing, her And Kića would have a fight... He barely ate. :( He died like that... sitting on her swing. It makes me cry till this day. :( But my favorite animals are cats..

"You're an old man at 15.".

I was walking around with my friends today after school and we came to a pretty serious conversation. I won't tell what it is, it's kinda personal for my friends but my friend told me during, "You're an old man at 15!!". I asked why she thinks so... and she told me i take things too seriously and think sometimes like an adult. "It's annoying sometimes!". I just feel strange when people say that... even my mom told me i am wise and reasonable. But she likes it. I can say that i've seen huge differences between me and some of my friends, my best friend says that too, we're completely different people, but... why is it so bad? I am just an ordinary girl. Just today i asked my mom like, what does she think, what style of person i am... She told me i am a completely normal teenager, and everything comes in. Depression, anger, being hyper, being annoying, being stubborn, being emotional, being shy, being confident at times, not knowing wh

My style.

A fellow asked, what style am i? That's a good questions. And to be very honest, i wouldn't know what to call myself. I'm a teenager, so i can't have a determined style. It's... bipolar? Same with my attitude and emotions. I think most of you understand. Alright, let's start from the beggining. Clothing! I used to be this, very hyper, positive and kind of sportsy girl. I live my life in jeans, and i loved sneakers. I loved tights, pants or trousers. That cool and calm style. Most call it sportsy. I usually call it simple. I don't like dresses that much or shorts. I think i don't have the thigs for that... i know that sounds girly and dumb but true. I have hips and it just doesn't... look that good.  Jeans, a nice shirt, some nice jacket and sneakers, that was me. :)  Mostly like the first picture. I had long hair, and i like my jeans to look nice. So yeah, that, simple look. Not too expensive or too fansy. :) That changed

My music! ♡

Alright, well....this is a really big concept.I'm sure most of you don't care what i like from music. But... i can like all of them. Beginning from classical music, to hard metal. Metal, rock, death metal, hard rock, soft rock, all of those aren't for all people. Not all people can stand to listen to that. I for one, can't listen to death metal. That's something that's like static in my ears. I don't understand it and the music is just not for me, it's not my style. Some types of metal yes. Some types of rock too. I don't really find the difference between, punk-rock and those kinds. I can't discern those. I am very difficult when it comes to this. I can like a deathmetal band, Asking Alexandria. But, i like only one song. "Not the American Average". Does that mean i don't listen to them or that i do? There are A LOT of bands that i just know, and i like just maybe a couple of songs. What does that stand for? Anyway, i

Follow my voice ♡

I don't know why, but i love that guy. We almost never talk, we almost never even talked, but when we do,i'm happy. :) I know i meant my words from last year, that i'm always his friend. That's why i wanted to check on him. A thing happened and we both said very awful things, then and after. I know he probably wasn't the happiest with seeing me again but i didn't really care then. I just wanted to see how he was. I can't say i didn't miss him, i did, a lot. I know he didn't miss him me and i understand why. :) I wish i had a song to dedicate to him even thou we barely talk. He's always playing games! ^-^ Always was a full time gamer.  I remember him being excited for this game..."Halo"? s: Is it that..? I don't remember!... But i know he was excited for this game and wanted to just rant about it. He was being all, "I'm sorry, you probably don't care about me blabbing. ;c". I didn't mind, even thou i did


Alright, after a few days someone told me i am against homosexuality even though that person obviously doesn't know her info, i started talking to some of my friends what they think. Here are some of their answers, or all in one; "Eww! It's a sickness! Illness! Whatever! It's sick to love the same kind of person!! They should just be burnt. It's sick! Nothing more to tell!". "Why do you think it's sick? What's sick in it?". "Hello?! You love and kiss your own...? You kiss a girl in the mouth? Or, ew! Guys!" "If GOD wanted people to love the same sex and to have people making love with the same sex, he would do it that way!!". So yeah. We're back to our GOD conversation. What the fuck does this have to do with God? Alright. God was there when the world started. God was there when fire was just discovered. God was there on the big flood.  God was there in IceAge. God was there when cave people starte

Beautiful nightmare?

I had a dream last night... it was wonderful! For awhile... Since i was in a very cheerful mood last night, i made my babii really happy and i was myself, i came home and my feet hurt and i just fell asleep. I had a beautiful dream about baby coming here in this hotel 'Moskva' that's about 10-15 minutes away from me by walking. :3 I know it was wonderful and very happy and full of laughs but i think i fell in the dream on the ice. We were hurrying i think, and i think i fell and that broke my dream. You know that feeling when you start dreaming your falling down really fast and it wakes you up? That was this. I wanted to finish the dream and i thought if i kept thinking of the ending it would continue itself. Which worked a couple of times!! It did!! :3 It didn't this time... I had a nightmare. A lovie.. nightmare. If that makes sense. I got stabbed in my stomach from my sides. ;_; And i am not lying, this is what really happened. I can't remember more of

It's time...

To face ourselves. To know our mission in this life.. what we were meant to be. What is the reason behind our existence.. is it for the things in life that passes away? Is it for the glory? What will you be when you leave this life? Will you be satisfied then? Will you have any regrets? Will die smiling... while everyone around is crying? We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful but we have lost the way...but it's not over yet. Greed has poisoned men's souls. Has barricaded the world with hate. Has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical.

I just needed to remind myself...♡

I loved you! You made me, hate me! Hate, see? It saved me! And these tears are deadly! You feel that? I rip back, every time you tried to steal that! You feel bad? You feel sad? I'm sorry, hell no! Fuck that! It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife! This strife, it dies! This life and these lies! And these lungs have sung this song for too long! And it's true, i hurt too. remember, i LOVED YOU. --------------------------------- I wish i could've quit you! I wish i never missed you! And told you that i loved you, every time i fucked you! The future that we both drew and all the shit we've been through! Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew! How could you do this to me!? Look at what i made for you! It never was enough and the world is what i gave you! I used to be love struck, now i'm just fucked up! Pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts! Eh... Sorry guys. I was just looking through

5 scariest mental conditions

The "Cotard's syndrome". This makes people belive they are actually dead. These people are absolutely convinced that they just don't exist or have iner organs. They look completely normal as i understand, but in their head they are absolutely certain they are not breathing. The "Capgras syndrome". People who have this think that people who are close to them, so i am guessing family most, is replaced by an impostor. People will completely act normal to them but will be 100% sure that it's someone pretending to be them. The "Anton-Babinski syndrome". Okay, this somehow doesn't make sense but it's how it is. People suffering from this, are completely blind, they can't see a thing, but somehow not know they are. They would walk, not see a thing, run into walls, cars, everything that comes their way but still not realize they are blind. If you ask them, they deny it. It can be related to head-injuries. "Apotemnophilia". O

Ducks have bigger penises than people.

._. .... Don't ask me, it's an info i learned two minutes ago. 19 Things you didn't know  ._. Interesting huh? You think it's true...? I wonder how this duck looks... Mascovy duck   I don't think it's possible... is it? I can't really imagine that big dick on this...little? Duck. I don't know. ._. Anyway, i have no real news today. I am gonna do a few topics soon, so be sure to update. (: Follow me on Twitter, if you can't find my pages, i always post them there. I don't have much to talk about, my bf has an interview, i am home alone, i'm hungry...OH! I had my Graduation test (not the real one) today and we had 20 tasks. It was pretty easy, i did 18. :3 At first i thought it would be horrible, but no. The tasks that i thought were awfully hard, turned out to be one of the easiest ones. They were mostly all logical. (: I was really bored at English class today, mainly because i know everything we are learning. From sense. But

It's not a sin... if GOD wants it.

Hai guys! DeanLeysen  <--- This guy, this guy right here, is awesome. At least i think. Very realistic and smart. :)  I wanna comment on one of his videos. For example; 5 Worst torture methods  WATCH IT! For those who won't, if you keep reading, i'll tell you myself. :) But come on guys watch and you can skip all of the boring reading and just skip to thoughts? XD (Pictures in the video of how it looks). Anyway, in the video, the title is self-explanatory. SKIP TO THE END IF YOU WANNA READ THE POINT. The "Saw torture/Exicusion". The people recieving this would be hung upside down, with his or hers legs spread wide apart. What would be done is, they would saw the body in half,starting from their genitals. As i understood, the reason they are hung upside down is because the blood that would run in the persons brain would keep him concious and alive through the process. So mostly you'd feel it all the way until it hit your heart. I find this gross and


I love that song. ... Yes i mean the song from Black Veil Brides. I don't really listen to them, but they were a "breakthrough" for me. It was when i first started listening anything other than Justin Bieber a year and~... 6 months ago. That song means a lot to me till this day. It was sent to me by my friend. At the time i almost just met him and we met through a site that i will talk about later. We were chatting trough private messages and i felt really down for some reason, i can't exactly remember why, but he sent that to me and it made me cry. I didn't know him very well but it felt like someone cared. Ever since then, i mostly changed... everything about me. The music that i listened, i started listening to rock,some sorts of metal more often. Before that i listened to Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Rebelde... so pop most of all. Not just in music though, my whole personality changed. A few times ever since actually.  I'm going off topic


Yeah, i was thinking about it. My dad has this colleague at work that's in the middle of adoption. My mom, him and me were having dinner on Friday i think and we elaborated on the subject. My dad said something that kept me thinking. I mean, when we just hear the word "adoption", it doesn't feel that good. At least to some. You momentarily think about kids being left alone in orphanages. But when you think about it... the word adoption is wonderful. There are so many kids in one orphanage that can't wait for the day people that work there say that a family wants to adopt them. People think it's an honor to adopt and get adopted. And i somehow agree. Of course, i hate the fact of just leaving your child, but also understand if it was a mistake and you just didn't have a choice or conditions to raise it. I hate people who know they wouldn't have conditions but don't watch out anyway. That is just reckless and gross. You ruin your own life and the