
Showing posts from October, 2012


Hellu! As you see the title is self-explanatory. xD I am back from my school trip and i must say it was awesome! Very very short, i almost didn't even feel the 3 days, but it was cool. :3 We had some problems thou with another class. One of the students got drunk as fuck, mixing drinks with beer and much more, so that class was almost up all night trying to calm him down. He was very aggressive. Some people say he faked most of it, i can't say he did, i don't know, but IF he did then it's worse. He tried to get out of the hotel thru a window. Just, crazy. One of the reasons i HATE alcohol. More scared of it that smoking. But we don't know, alcohol influences on everyone differently. Some cry and go to sleep and in the morning like nothing happened, some puke, some get aggressive. THEN, the next day we went to a place called "Sargantska osmica", and we rode with a little old train. That was really really cool, there we're lots of tunnels. One was 1km a

School trip!

Haii guys! Key, i will not be writing a lot, i do have only 20 minutes now, BUT, at Saturday morning i will be leaving for my school trip of 3 days. Not much but you can't expect more. xD It's gonna be cold as fuck, plus were on a mountain so hell. x) But it will be fun! It's our last one. ;_; For that i am sad and i will miss my babe. He was so sad when he heard but it's my last one with my classmates! ;_; So,yes, i will not be on for awhile or write, but i'll tell how it went after it's over! We're going to have a blast! Not sleeping at all! :3 Nothing much happened else. I STILL didn't talk to my dad about hip-hop and i am sad about that. ;_; Nothing much else! Bai! <3

-Doesn't know the real name-

Hai guys. :3 Lot's of news. Since...yeah earlier today. Lot's and lot's. Let's first cover some stuff. My skype: makiblue2. Yes, my "Thank you" blog was deleted because i don't have to pretend anymore. xD Man Mike was annoyed because he didn't know either. What he didn't know? Eh...should we talk about that? Should i be that awful and reveal my "secret"(knowing the whole time), and... well they wouldn't be embarassed, they wouldn't care, but let's just stick it at, that they did something very very low but again, i knew something like that has to happen. :3 Now, about the title, oh my god, i cannot believe i am so dumb that i couldn't remember her real name. I wanna rant about a youtuber and i know her Channel name but her name is a bit complicated for me since i didn't see it that often. Well anyway, it's a girl that makes videos for like 3 years now. Maybe even more, i am not enterely sure. I came across her

Serious head issues.

My friend showed me the link of the chick, and she made a new blog on the same blogger i did. And i'm a stalker?  How the heck does she know i call her "the chick" if she hasn't seen my blog herself? Should i change my nickname for her? I have a nickname too! Isn't it cute?! :3 Anyway, i guess some people just don't learn or realize certain stuff. :3So, today was cool! I got a C in german and that's a huge sucsses for me at least. I'm really good at English but not at German, i just don't like it. I was going to report the Sebastian dude as well, i know that she knows him, i have proof from my friend Ethan and screen-shots. Haven't showed them to anyone yet and i am not really sure why i would, since he really did think i was scared. I was not. I laughed while in a call with my boyfriend and he somewhat laughed with me, but he was amazed how that dude sounded like a 13 year old. An opinion that most of my friends share. Well i just want to say

What causes hair loss?

Hello readers! I have a serious question, what causes hair to fall off in big amounts? This started happening awhile ago, maybe  around 3-4 months ago and it first started with my mom but it stopped for her. For me, it was very little, like when i brush my hair, a bit falls off but i considered that normal. Isn't it? When you brush harder and pull more? Well after awhile, it started coming off more and more, and now it's up to the point where i realized that i don't have as much hair as i did. I had really thick and pretty stiff hair, and i still have stiff hair but not so thick. Sometimes, i can just ran my hands thru it, and more than 10 hairs would stay in my hand. I am quite worried for it and it pretty much increases. All thou, i am feeling a bit better, my friend Ethan is helping on the subject. As far as i know, it can be normal with growing older but the hair is just 'revises' itself, or because i don't eat enough meat, like almost never. I don't re

Long-distance relationships.

Long Distance Relationships.   Why i want to talk about this topic, because i am having some friends just getting into these sort's of relationships and when hard times come, they have no idea what to do or start coming with conclusions of ending it right away and somehow i can't get them to understand when i say it all in once. Long-distance relationships are obviously harder than real, 'normal' relationships. There are a few ways of thinking and looking at them. Every way has it's own good and bad side. Of course, there are the skeptical kind of people. Who don't believe in this sort of relationship. Think similar to this sentence; "That sort of relationship isn't real. It's just a twist of hope and dreams. It can't get you anywhere and it's a waste of time. You can't kiss each other, you can't see each other and people who are in love need that". Of course there is that kind, that will always discourage the ones tha

"What makes you beautiful".

Okey! Nothing much hapenned today! I had a Serbian test today as well. Did really good, hopping for an A. I did all of the question and there were like 30 of them. *n* I have a test on Friday in English but  i am not to worried about that, i am getting a B,A there. :3 Oh! I am listening to a song i recently started liking! Probably going to get hate for this but yes, it's from One Direction. So what? It's an awesome song! :3 Very teenager like and cheerful! it's called "What makes you beautiful". Also very inspiring :3 All girls in my class, besides one, aren't really that crazed fans about 1D. Actually none of them are, including me, but we ALL like this song. xD There is one that's crazed about them and Justin Bieber. Ljubica. All thou it's a bit fake but meh. I like Harry mostly! In my opinion he's so different from the other guys, and has the most beautiful voice :3 Especially in that song! I use ":3" alot too. >w< Anyway

Friendships do last.

I am a bit cheerful right now. :3 I am right now talking to a guy i've known for a year and and two months now, i will not say his name. I'm glad we still talk and yeah whatever, i said to i wouldn't, so what? I wasn't going to delete or block him for nothing. ;P Anyway, i do hope we keep talking thou. (: He's a great friend. I haven't talked to him in over 9 months and we started talking yesterday. We didn't talk because there was some drama and problems and fights but i guess all of that somewhat faded now even thou there are still memories. I know that things won't be probably ever the same again, but talk is talk, it's something :3 And no, i don't want to be with him or anything,i have my babii <3,  i just care about him. And no, it's not a friendzone- fuck, are girl-boy relations so complicated XD shesh XD 

Hating on celebrities.

Alright, i want to talk on this subject because i recently noticed a lot of people talk about it and i myself have been thinking about it. A person i know has her own blog as well and she posted a blog-entry about hate, on Justin Bieber. I know that just me saying what i am about to say will not change anything about the whole situation, like what? I'm just one girl out of a thousand haters. I am not a fan, i am not a hater. I don't really follow his work or music, but i do like to hear it sometime and i do respect it when i hear his song play. I don't understand people who are all like "AUUUUGH! LET'S BURN JUSTIN BIEBER!! FAGGOT!", "OH YOU'RE SO GAY! AUGH! GIRLY VOICE!" and so on. Like, what are you doing? What are you going to gain with it? Do those people like, have any idea how that sounds to people like me? It sounds so childish and immature. I understand that some people don't like his music, the sound of it, the lyrics,whatever, but

New to this!

Alright! I made this blog just for funz. Why Blue? Well i am known by that and don't ask me where i got it from. xD Anyway, i cannot say exactly what i will blog on here or if i will even remember it! I am new to this thing and i don't even know how does it work but i'll get into it i guess. :3 Some info about me? Not much to say. (: I'll see you all later! ^^